Families of students who stood out in academic and scientific competitions throughout 2020 will begin to receive from the Ministry of Citizenship, as of this Friday (10), the single installment of R$1,000 of the Junior Scientific Initiation Scholarship. While the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) will transfer 12 monthly installments, each in the amount of R$ 100, to students.
According to the folder, the scholarship is one of the emancipation benefits of the Auxílio Brasil Program, which aims to encourage children and teenagers to dedicate themselves to studies and development of potential in science, contributing to better integration into the school environment, raising their self-esteem and professionalization.
In all, 2,391 students from 2,332 beneficiary families of Auxílio Brasil, across the country, were covered. The benefited students won gold, silver, or bronze medals in five Olympiads accredited by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation: Brazilian Astronomy Olympiad, Brazilian Robotics Olympiad, International Physics and Culture Olympiad, National Science Olympiad and National Olympiad of Applications.
“The Junior Scientific Initiation Grant gives students from vulnerable families the incentive to continue to excel in studies, in search of more knowledge and quality of life”, said the Minister of Citizenship, João Roma.
The Junior Scientific Initiation Scholarship is granted annually, aimed at students who are part of the beneficiary families of the Programa Auxílio Brasil in the month of the concession's reference. As established by Ordinance No. 719/2021 , the families selected to receive the single installment of R$1,000 will be informed through the program's bank statement.
*With information from the Ministry of Citizenship
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