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Anyone who asked for Enem 2021 to be reapplied can now see the result


Those who requested the re-application of the National Secondary Education Examination (Enem) 2021 can now consult the Participant's Page to find out if their application was approved. According to the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep), those approved will have the possibility to participate in the tests on a new date: January 9th and 16th, 2022.

The opportunity is intended for those who did not attend the exam for having symptoms of infectious diseases provided for in the notices. People affected by logistical problems during the tests, infrastructure or other specific occurrences were also able to ask to take the exam at the beginning of next year.

On the dates in which the replication will take place, Inep will also apply the exam for Persons Deprived of Liberty or under a socio-educational measure that includes deprivation of liberty (Enem PPL) 2021 and for those who enrolled between September 14 and 26, after a new opportunity for those exempt from the registration fee that missed Enem 2020. Inep applied Enem 2021 (printed and digital) on November 21st and 28th.

Enem evaluates students' academic performance at the end of basic education. For more than two decades, the exam has been one of the main gateways to higher education in Brazil, through the Unified Selection System (Sisu) and initiatives such as the University for All Program (ProUni).

According to Inep, public and private educational institutions use Enem to select students. The results are used as a single or complementary criterion in the selection processes, in addition to serving as parameters for accessing government aid, such as that provided by the Student Financing Fund (Fies).


The individual results of Enem can also be used in the selection processes of Portuguese institutions that have an agreement with Inep to accept the exam grades. The agreements guarantee easy access to the grades of Brazilian students interested in studying higher education in Portugal.

*With information from Inep

Text translated using artificial intelligence.

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